Blast from the Past: Longwood Manor

By Julie D’Aloiso

Longwood Manor Waiting for Approval to be Open for the Wizard of Oz Festival

The Longwood Manor is waiting on the final word on when they can open to the pubic according to John Cassmer, president of the Longwood Manor Historical Society. According to John “the city electrician finished installing the emergency lighting in the public restrooms in the Manor, and we asked the Mayor of Macedonia for approval to have the Manor open to the public during the Wizard of Oz festival the weekend of Sept 23 – 24.

John went on to say: “We had a meeting Wednesday with Angela Manley, the director of the Rec center and the event coordinator for the OZ festival. We came up with some really good ideas for activities we could have at the Manor and outside while the festival is going on.”

Keep up to date with Longwood manor Historical Society here: Website and Facebook

The manor house has been an item of interest for many years. In fact in 2010, a then high school student Michael Sajewski, created a short video documentary of the Longwood Manor. Enjoy the video here.

And there has been two ghost hunting visits: Haunted Investigators visited in 2006 and again in 2008 Haunted Investigators Ep. 2: Longwood Manor 

And there are plans to film a movie at the Longwood manor. The script is currently in the works read more here.

Kathy Pallaise has given us a few memories of when she lived with her family on the Longwood Farm. Read here memories here.

Here are some pictures from the National Register of Historic Places (see entire 80 page document here).

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