Macedonia City Council: 7-22-21 Chip Davis Awarded Proclamation, Road Projects and More (Video)


Council approves purchases and road projects during work session

Council members put the first reading of a land bank purchase during its July 24, pre-meeting work session.

The Bedford Anodizing Plant, which was valued at $1.1 million, has been purchased from the city’s land bank.
The plant was closed down in 2011 after a chemical overflow emptied into a nearby stream. The owner of the property at the time was bankrupt and could not pay for repairs. The property was sold to Industrial Reality Group.
The Environmental Protection Agency removed contaminated soil at the time and has continued to monitor current levels, according to Council.

Other action:
* Council voted to create a part time position in the finance department.
* Council approve the bid for a Valley View Road storm/sewer water project to Northeast Ohio Trenching Services, pending a three reading meeting. The project will be paid for by a grant. Work is scheduled to begin in the fall. A completion schedule has not been released yet.
* Council placed a compensation schedule for non- union city employees on the agenda to be read three times for passage.
* Council also moved to place the Planning Commission appointment of Scott D. Wallenhorst , on the agenda, pending three readings.
* Council approved the appointment of Robert Rodic, as city building commissioner, pending a three reading meeting approval.
* Council voted, pending three readings, several budgetary transfers.

Firefighter Chip Davis, awarded proclamation after 39 years of city service

Before the first piece of legislation was read, Mayor Nicholas Molnar was preparing to honor one of the City of Macedonia’s local hero.

The local hero, Lt. Chip Davis, of the Macedonia Fire Department, was honored with a proclamation honoring 39 years of service to the city.

“We wish to extend our sincere appreciation for an outstanding performance of duty and an a distinct leadership during this time,” Molnar read. “Whereas the Macedonia Fire Department is losing an absolute vast amount of experience, Chip has demonstrated a high level of skill, aptitude and commitment.”

Davis has been on the fire department since 1985, Molnar said. Davis worked with both the service department and fire department until 1990, when he retired from the service department to concentrate full-time on the fire department. In 1998 was promoted to his current rank.

Molnar said he wishes Davis a wonderful life as he spends more time with his family.

“And I do herby declare this day, Chip Davis Day,” Molnar said. “Thirty-nine years is amazing.” Macedonia Fire Chief said Davis is going to be sorely missed.

“Congratulations, we are going to miss you,” Fire Chief Brian Ripley said. “Don’t be a stranger. “

After thanking the mayor and chief, Davis walked away as quietly as he arrived on the department.