Macedonia Construction Projects

By Julie D’Aloiso

As I have mentioned before, this year there will be many construction projects all around the Nordonia area this year. I talked with the Macedonia Planning Commissioner Bob Rodic the other day and we discussed some upcoming projects:

IHOP (location old Pizza Hut rt 82) There were rumors around town about the IHOP project stopping. This is not true, the project is going forward. They are hoping to open June 1.

As I have mentioned before, this year there will be many construction projects all around the Nordonia area this year. I talked with the Macedonia Planning Commissioner Bob Rodic the other day and we discussed some upcoming projects:

IHOP (location old Pizza Hut rt 82) There were rumors around town about the IHOP project stopping. This is not true, the project is going forward. They are hoping to open June 1.

PANDA EXPRESS (Golden Corral Parking Lot) The hold up is the storm sewer system. It was going to tie into the Slim Chickens (former Golden Corral) storm sewer system. But found out they cannot. They are modifying the site plans. Golden Corral will be torn down as soon as they can get some good weather!

SLIM CHICKENS (Old Golden Corral) – Has not been reached final approval.

OPTIMA DERMITOLOGY (In between Culvers and Chipotle) They have started the project. BURLINGTON – They are currently putting up a wall.  They will occupy the space next closer to Petco. A new store front will be constructed for the entrance. This will free three spots. One, two or three businesses could go into that area.

WAYBACK BURGER – They are experiencing delays in regards to their restaurant hoods. They are hoping to open early May.

DON BASCH JEWELERS – New building will be constructed this year.

THE WAVE CAR WASH  – Plans have been approved. Should start construction this year.


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