Macedonia Haunted Manor (PHOTO GALLERY AND VIDEO)

Dear Friends of LMHS,

I am very pleased to announce the success of the Haunted Manor! I’m sure we had close to 500 people come by the house to view our safe, no blood and gore Haunted Manor. So many people came through the house several times with young children and even teenagers. I caught a few girls that had their American girl dolls take pictures of them by the Pumpkin Patch in the front hallway! They shared stories of the Colonel, ghost hunts, helping Kathy and Bob Thomas with restoration over ten years ago, even sharing a story that the house was invaded by SNAKES! How funny! Some people were introduced to the history of the house since they were new to the community or lived in an other and wanted to know more. The line literally snaked from the back door through the Library to the front door, hence many coming through several times.

Many people took advantage of the many vignettes to take family photos and they will cherish the new memories that we helped them create! It truly was a humbling experience. After nearly a month of preparation and manning football concessions I think we have perked the interests of many in the community, and hopefully the time and energy a group of us have put into the manor will be rewarded.

We unfortunately lost some of our garden stones, mulch and peat moss that has been sitting near the driveway since last year and from earlier this year. The city tried to beautify the area and since we had paid for those things it is a loss. But the weeds were gone and even some football fans from weeks ago commented on how those things cleaned up, really beautified the Manor.

I would like to give a great big shout out to Jan Radigan for her decorating skills and her plethora of vintage Halloween decorations, Dottie and Les Berman and Rose Cassmer  for their donations to our decorating, Kathy Heaney a new member, Erin Radigan Hanus, Katie Mikulski Lee, Marilyn Petrille for their help in decorating and spreading those cob webs to create the spooky effect and John Leben for his moral support and doing some of the heavy stuff with ladders and encouragement.

We will be cleaning it all up after our Monthly Open House on Halloween, October 31 from 1-4pm and our monthly meeting which is a reminder for Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 6:30 pm. If you were unable to attend the program you can experience our decorating at either meeting!

Again I am so thankful for the working relationship we have with Parks and Recreation, Jason, Sam and their crews to include us as an attraction that many of the community came to see and know about Macedonia’s first mayor and his contribution of Longwood Park and his beautiful home.


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