Macedonia Mayor’s Memo Regarding COVID 7-10-20

Dear Residents,

As many are likely aware, the Interim Director of the Ohio Department of Health issued an Order on July 8, 2020. Among other things, the Director’s Order mandates that residents of “Alert Level Red” counties wear facial coverings in certain circumstances. A “red” county is one in which four or five public health advisory indicators have been triggered. Per the Order, facial coverings are required by the State of Ohio when individuals are: indoors (not a residence); outdoors and cannot social distance; and utilizing public transportation, a taxi, or a ride-share/car service that is stopping the a “red” county. In addition, the Order, which is available through the Ohio Department of Health’s website, contains a number of (approximately 13) exceptions to this State facial covering mandate. Yesterday, the “red” counties included Butler, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Hamilton, Huron, Montgomery, and Trumbull. Just this afternoon, Summit County was elevated to an Alert Level Red County.

Click here for Entire Memo

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