Macedonia Planning Commission Approves Church Expansion, Debates Fence Rules at January Meeting

The Macedonia Planning Commission met Thursday evening to review several key development projects and proposed ordinance changes, including a major addition to St. Gregorio’s Indian Orthodox Church and amendments to the city’s fence regulations.

The commission granted preliminary approval for St. Gregorio’s Church’s proposed 4,292-square-foot Fellowship Hall and 1,870-square-foot classroom/meeting room addition at 1252 E. Aurora Road. The approval came with several conditions, including requirements for a perpetual shared parking agreement with the neighboring United Methodist Church or construction of additional on-site parking spaces.

A key point of discussion was the shared parking arrangement between the two churches. The commission emphasized that any agreement must be perpetual rather than occasional, ensuring adequate parking availability at all times. If the agreement falls through, St. Gregorio’s will be required to construct 56 additional parking spaces on their property.

The commission also reviewed proposed changes to the city’s fence ordinance, introduced by Councilman Ventura. The amendments would eliminate the requirement for corner lots to have two front yards, establish a 10-foot setback for privacy fences from road rights-of-way, and modify the required percentage of open space in privacy fences from 25% to 15%. After discussion, the commission recommended maintaining the 25% open space requirement while supporting other proposed changes.

In other business, a sign approval request from Digital Print Solutions was continued to the February meeting at the applicant’s request.
The next regular Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for February 10, 2025. All submissions for that meeting must be received by January 17, 2025.

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