March 9th Village of Northfield Council Meeting

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Domzalski is looking for tablets or other similar device for council members but at the same time wants to be financially responsible.

Engineer’s Report – Dan Collins reported the Coventry project is going forward. The project consists of a full reconstruct of Coventry Drive. Which includes removing and replacing the entire 15″ typical asphalt street pavement section, concrete curbs and the storm sewer main located near the center for the street. This will also provide storm connection for every resident on the street. The Village applied for $150,000 in Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Community Cost Share funding that will help fund the storm sewer infrastructure replacement items. Once they receive the agreement, council will approve at the next meeting.

Police Chief Report: John Zolgus indicated that there is more traffic in town. MGM has more weekly shows and  the weekends will also be busy as well.

Other items – A grant was denied to repair the cemetery driveway. Veteran flags will be smaller this year due to prior wind damage. And there are some more improvements coming soon to Smith Park.


Ordinance No. 2022-16, An Emergency Ordinance Amending Section 230.04 of the Codified Ordinances Relating to the Mayor’s Provision of a Proposed Budget to Council Each Year – Ordinance Adopted

Resolution No. 2022-17, An Emergency Resolution Confirming the Mayors Appointment of Gretchen Apana to the Recreation Board – Resolution Adopted

Resolution No. 2022-18, An Emergency Resolution Confirming the Mayor’s Appointment of Melissa Vitullo to the Recreation Board  – Resolution Adopted

Resolution No. 2022-19, An Emergency Resolution Confirming the Mayor’s Appointment of Andrew Knicely to the Recreation Board  – Resolution Adopted

Resolution No. 2022-20, An Emergency Resolution Authorizing All Actions Necessary to Accept Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC) 2022 Energized Community Grant Funds  –  Resolution Adopted

Resolution No. 2022-21, An Emergency Resolution Setting Forth the Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022 and Submitting the Same to the County Fiscal Officer – Resolution Adopted

Resolution No. 2022-22, An Emergency Resolution Authorizing the Finance Director to Elect the Standard Allowance for Revenue Loss and Use ARPA Funds for the Provision of “Government Services” pursuant to Section 603(c)(1)(C) of the American Rescue Plan Act Resolution Adopted

Click here for the agenda


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