Mayor Migliorini’s Rebuttal to Councilor Sylvia Hannaken

As many of our readers know I was elected and took office just this past year. After taking office, a thorough review of the city’s finance and analyzing what our infrastructure needs are, I along with the majority of council concluded we have no alternative but to request voter approval to increase the payroll tax by a 1/4 % to meet the need of over $20 million dollars in road repair which will follow with the need of an additional $7 million dollars over the next 5 years. This administration is doing everything it can to reduce operational cost and we are running a lean operation. Contrary to the misleading propaganda of Councilwoman Hanneken, There is not any excessive available funds for any capital improvements such as roads, etc. I did not create the situation that we are currently in but I contend that over the past 2 years that Hanneken along with her allies on council controlled the city finances which put you, as residents, in a position of having this issue on the ballot for your consideration.
Again Councilwoman Hanneken left the city and this administration with no capital improvement dollars or means of accomplishing the necessary and needed improvements.
Please don’t allow this scorned vindictive woman to continue to try and destroy our fine community with her misleading and misguided statements.There is only one official city website. www.macedonia.oh.usJoe Migliorini
Macedonia, Ohio 44056

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