Medical Emergency at the Summit County Jail – Update

On December 11, 2021 at approximately 9:30 a.m., deputies found a female inmate who appeared to be having a medical emergency at the Summit County Jail. Jail medical staff responded and administered Narcan to the inmate. The inmate was subsequently transported to a local hospital by the Akron Fire Department.

A short time later, three more inmates, 4 deputies, and a member of the jail medical staff showed signs of exposure. They were all transported to local hospitals for treatment and observation. The Summit County Sheriff’s Detective Bureau responded and initiated an investigation into the matter.

All four inmates, all four deputies, and the member of the medical staff have all been released from the hospital. The location where the inmates were housed has been cleaned and sanitized by staff. Detectives processed the crime scene and will continue to investigate the incident.

Follow up questions should be directed to Inspector William Holland at 330-643-2114.

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