Medical Examiner Using New Technology To Identify Decedents

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Summit County Medical Examiner Dr. Lisa Kohler, MD recently announced her office utilized grant funding to purchase DataWorks Plus digital fingerprint scanners to aid in identifying decedents. The grant was provided through the Ohio State Coroner’s Association.

“Under Dr. Kohler’s leadership, our team strives to be a leader among their peers. They take seriously their role in helping families identify deceased loved ones, and this tool will help them do this much quicker,” said County Executive Ilene Shapiro.

The purchase included two mobile digital fingerprint scanners, training, and support. This technology will streamline efforts to confirm the identity of individuals brought to the Medical Examiner.

“Although we have just started using this tool, it has already proved itself extremely useful in aiding in the identification of unknown decedents allowing our office to locate and notify families in a more timely manner,” said Dr. Kohler.

DataWorks scanner

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