Mental Health Awareness

As some of you may be familiar, May was mental health awareness month and April was Autism awareness month. Our team is constantly putting in the work and training to remain educated on our residents who may experience mental health challenges and/or developmental disabilities. If you have someone in your household who may have special needs or a developmental disability, please click on the link below and complete the personal safety sheet. The personal safety sheet gives the parent or guardian the ability to provide officers vital information when responding to a call at your residence about your family member. The personal safety sheet consists of an area for your family members name, address, and a physical description. Other features of the personal safety sheet include an area for the person’s likes and dislikes, places the person may like to hide or walk to, as well as signs of escalation. Our top priority is to keep all of our residents safe. Once the sheet is complete, feel free to drop it off at the Macedonia Police station and it will be uploaded into our database for officers to see. Please share this post with any Macedonia residents who may be interested in sharing this information with our department.
Link: Personal_Emergency_Profile_copyright (
Contact Ptl. Newrones #402 at 330-468-1234 or with any questions.”

Click here for form

Source: Facebook Macedonia Police Department – Ohio

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