MGM Northfield Park Racino Reopening Tour (Video and Photos)


By Julie D’Aloiso

Watch the video here that highlights some of the changes:

See related article for details about safety measures in place

Matt Buckley (seen and heard in the video), President & COO of MGM Northfield Park gave us a tour of the racino which opens to the public tomorrow. Fans will notice changes immediately. For one, in place of the valet parking, there is now a queue (appox. capacity  300) set up at the very front of the facility in case the venue is at capacity (which will be around 1400). The general public can only enter at the front entrance.

Once inside, 1143 games will be turned on, around 1400 people will be allowed in at one time.

Some of the other changes inside:

  • some of the machines have been turned off and seats have been removed
  • hand sanitizer is available in many locations

  • they have removed some of the machines to install some touchless hand washing sinks
  • in the evening, certain areas will be roped off and will be thoroughly cleaned (watch the video to see it in action)