Migraines and tension headaches

By Dr. Krystosik

Nine out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional. However, a staggering 45 million Americans suffer with chronic headaches.

Fifteen percent of Americans suffer with migraine headaches, 2 to 3 million migraine sufferers have chronic headaches. Some headaches are dull and nagging, while others are debilitating and are associated with nausea. Taking painkillers and hoping your headache goes away is one option. But there is a better way.

Research shows that chiropractic adjustments are an effective way to treat tension headaches and headaches that begin in the neck. In a medical study conducted at Macquarie University, 72 percent of migraine sufferers experienced either “substantial” or “noticeable” improvement after a series of chiropractic adjustments.

The most common type of headaches are tension headaches. These headaches as the name implies are related to muscle tension in the neck. It’s not surprising since Americans spend hours in the same position or posture (computer or television), leading to joint irritation and tension in the neck muscles.

Getting to the Cause of Headaches

⦁ Chiropractic adjustments improve spinal function and alleviate stress on your muscles and nervous system.
⦁ Nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet or the addition of herbal and other nutritional supplements.
⦁ Correcting posture, ergonomics, exercises and stress management.
⦁ If I can’t eliminate, or at least see 50% improvement in your headaches within 2 weeks, I will refer you to another health care provider.

Dr. Krystosik is the author of five books on natural medicine & nutrition, a nationally known speaker and the director of Health Source of Macedonia located at 163 East Aurora Rd. Northfield, Ohio. 330.908.0094

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