NEO Community Radio last day on the air coming this week – Internet Radio Will Never Be Same

NEO Community Radio’s last day on the air is Christmas day. Why do you ask? Because the little internet radio stations are being bullied. We pay music licensing fees every month. Now we are being told that these fees are going up astronomically. There is no way that we can pay these new fees. And word on the street is that others will close down too! Large radio stations will actually pay less than they do now, little stations will pay more. Doesn’t that sound fair? NO! Well it does not really matter I guess because when it come to music – on demand is the way to go. Radio stations will limp along but never be where they were. People want to listen to what they want now – without 20 commercials and the same song playing every hour! We never played the game like that but regular stations did and still do.

So here is our plan:

  • Spend more time and effort on the Tri-C Radio station – they are exempt from the fees. –  Tri-C students that currently have shows on NEO Community Radio, will be played on the Tri-C Radio station
  • Teach at Tri-C Metro for at least one more semester.
  • Any NEO Community Radio shows that are talk (for example interviews) will be set up as podcasts
  • Any sport broadcasts we do, can be streamed using other avenues
  • Any sponsors will roll over to this website

We are also going to put more time and effort into this website. Who better than the people of the Nordonia Area, to report on the Nordonia Area.

And speaking of the Nordonia Area, we are starting up a new mini movie project. It will be a spooky movie set at Nordonia High School and tentatively Longwood manor. The goal of this movie and this website is to unite the people of the Nordonia Hills area.

This is the hard part. saying thank you to people. I need to thank Tim Davisson for giving me this great idea. Jim Davison and Gary Miller for giving me the pieces/parts to make it happen. Jeff Night and Chris Blackfire for putting together the longest running show on the station! Mike Tapp for having the longest running ROCK show. Danny Cunningham, Evan Adams, Dylan Dapsis for the best Sports show and play by play broadcasts. Daryl Pace for the sport pictures. Amanda Pace for the voice talent, Angela Pace, Watson and Clip for Tean Movie Review. Kenny Hightower for all of the cool evening music and shows. Show hosts: David Moore, Brian Wolf, Soupt Gato, Pat Rullo, Tim Hollenback,
Sponsors: Jackson Heating and Cooling, David Wolfe Vinyl Records in Bedford, Cable 9, Blue Line Design, Hug Me Joey, Laronge Wagner Realty, Roseland Lanes and Skyzone. And thank you to Joesph Migliorini for putting us on his sign!

AND THE BIGGEST THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE LISTENERS! Thank you Victor Milani for being my first listener.

Julie D’Aloiso (Julie D)


Top row: Julie D’Aloiso and Jim Davison. Bottom Row: Gary Miller and Chris Blackfire

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