Hello Nordonia Families,

As the fall is winding down, and we are heading into the winter months, we want to take a minute to congratulate our Marching Band on an outstanding competition season, and our Fall Athletes for their accomplishments in the classroom and on the field. Our Nordonia kids continue to shine and we are so thankful for all of our Nordonia families and staff who are helping them reach their potential.

We wanted to let you know of some upcoming events and activities and some volunteer opportunities for you and your students.

DECEMBER 4th – Career Showcase Day hosted by our Nordonia High School Guidance Staff and Cuyahoga Valley Career Center (CVCC)

On Tuesday, December 4th, Nordonia High School Guidance Department is partnering wiht Cuyahoga Valley Career Center (CVCC) to host Nordonia High Schoool’s Career Showcase Day. Students in GRADE 10 will be excused from all regular classes this day and will be expected to participate in this great opportunity for career exploration and growth. Students will attend a speaker panel in the morning, have an opportunity to talk to speakers in small groups about their careers, and then take a field trip to CVCC to explore career training offered there. We are in need of several parent volunteers to help in the morning with hosting a coffee and snack bar for our guest speakers, and to escort groups of students between the auditorium and the gym. If you are available and able to help out our guest speakers, staff, and students, please sign up below. Though this program is for our sophomore students, ALL parents are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer. Please see the attached Sign Up Genius if you are able to donate food items to our snack bar, or volunteer to help our students this day.


DECEMBER 15th – ANNUAL PTSA SPONSORED BY NORDONIA HIGH SCHOOL PTSA AND THE NORDONIA SCHOOLS SPONSORED WINTER ARTS FESTIVAL Saturday, December 15th is one of our favorite days at Nordonia. This year, our Winter Arts Festival will feature performances from all of our bands and choirs, our annual “All You Can Eat” Pancake Breakfast with Santa, our Student Art Show, and the After Prom Committee’s Craft Show. We hope you will plan to attend this festive day full of community, friendship, and entertainment by our many talented students. Our Pancake Breakfast was great fun and a fantastic success last year because of many amazing volunteers who donated their time and needed food items to help us offset the cost of hosting this event. Attached are two fliers with information and a schedule of the day’s events, as well as information about participating in the breakfast. The All You Can Eat Breakfast is $7 for adults, $5 for Students, and children 3 and under are free! Finally, the sign up genius is attached for the adult and student volunteers and donations needed to help us put on this great event. If you have questions about any of this, please do not hesitate to ask. You can reply to this email, or contact me directly at siewertc@me.com.



Each year, in the spring, our PTA’s honor our amazing educators and volunteers. Soon, nomination forms will be emailed to everyone to nominate deserving teachers and those volunteers who work to make our students world a better place. Please start thinking now about who you would like to nominate. Forms will be sent out next week, after the holiday break, and PTSA will vote on our winners at our January 10th meeting. Anyone who is a member of the High School PTSA is welcomed to attend the meeting to review our nominees and vote on our winners. Please look for this email next week and help us to honor some very deserving members of our High School Community.


Our next PTSA Meeting will be on Thursday, December 6th, at 6:30pm in the High School Staff Conference Room located in the hallway just past the main office. We hope you will join us to learn about the many great things our students are doing and what PTSA has planned for the rest of the winter and spring.

Have a wonderful holiday and all the best to you and your families,

Chrisy Siewert

NHS PTSA President

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