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No Injuries As Employee Shoots At Customer

A 27-year-old man was arrested today shortly after 12:15 p.m. after police said he fired at least two shots at a customer inside a Northfield Center Township business, located in the 8290 block of Golden Link Boulevard.

No one was injured according to Summit County Sheriff Kandy Fetheree.

However, one of the rounds exited the building and hit a vehicle at a car dealership across the street, she said.

“The employee fired at least two rounds at the customer and fled on foot,” according to a press release from Fatheree. “One of the rounds exited the business, went across the street, and struck a vehicle at a car dealership”

Deputies were able to locate the shooter shortly after arriving on the scene.

The shooter was arrested without incident, according to the Sheriff’s release.

The Sheriff’s Office Detective Bureau and Crime Scene Unit responded to the scene.

Charges are pending the outcome of the investigation.

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