Nordonia After Prom Presents: Nordonia Prom Fair 2018 Monday January 15th 7pm at the Nordonia High School Auditorium.

The Nordonia After Prom is a fundraiser for After Prom, which is a drug and alcohol free party after the Prom for the seniors. The After Prom show is this Monday night, January 15th from 7-9. The fashion show consists of some of the seniors modeling the latest fashions for prom. There will be pizza and a bake sale. As well as a 50/50 raffle and lottery tickets.

Sunday, there will be pre-sale tickets available for $6 to purchase in the high school auditorium from 2-5. Tickets will be $8 at the door. 

Here are some photos from rehearsal Thursday Night. Look for a video by Gary Miller coming soon!

Photos By Julie D’Aloiso



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