Nordonia Community Leaders Response to Coronovirus (COVID-19)

On March 17, 2020 Nordonia Hills Community Leaders of the City of Macedonia. Northfield Village, Northfield Center and Sagamore Hills teleconferenced to discuss our plan of action in response to Coronavirus (COVlD-19).

As a collaborative team, we are taking proactive steps to deal with this pandemic. Measures have been take to minimize exposure of our First Responders, Fire, Police, Dispatch and Service. We are taking inventory of our resources and discussing how we can assist each other.

We encourage everyone not to underestimate the severity of the problem and to act on reliable and valid information by referring to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Summit County Health as sources for health information. The most important step is personal hygiene with hand washing. As information continues to evolve concerning the coronavirus, COVlD-19, we will re-evaluate our actions to help protect the health and safety of our communities. Aggressive action has been taken across the State. As a Nordonia team, we are doing the same.

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