Nordonia Hills Branch Library Events as of January 20th

Adult Programs

Visit or call 330.467.8595 to register where required.

Casual Reads Light fiction book club

The second Monday of each month 2 pm we will get together to discuss light fiction books. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion.

Monday, February 14 –The Giver of Stars Jojo Moyes 

Socrates Café

Adult Discussion and Philosophical Exploration

Wednesday, February 9, 6:30

A regular gathering of adults engaging in great conversation, exploring current events, thoughtful ideas, and reasoned debates. Come and take part, or just listen to the discussion! For all patrons 16 & over. No registration necessary – No homework – No assigned reading.

Coffee and Conversation

Thursday Book Discussion

February 10, 2 pm

A monthly meeting to discuss fiction and nonfiction titles in a casual group setting. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion.

Thursday, February 10 Red Island House by Andrea Lee 

Nordonia Hills Game Time

Board games for everyone

Saturday, February 19, 10 am–5 pm

Meet and join in with players of various games including chess, board and Euro games, role-playing games, mah-jongg, war games, and regular and trading card games. All ages welcome. Please register. 

Mystery Book Discussion

Mystery lovers book club

Wednesdays, January 26, February 23, 6:30 p.m.

Join us to discuss a good mystery. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion. Please register.

Titles are as follows:

January 26 The Second Sleep, by Robert Harris

February 23 The End of Her, by Shari Lapena

Basic Computer Class and Gmail Series

Free hands-on computer classes. Learn how to use the mouse, keyboard, Windows 10, folders, the Internet and more. Attend one class or the entire series. Registration is required and opens 1/3/22. Register by phone, online or in person.

The Basic Computer Series is designed for anyone who is new to computers or has never had formal training. In this series, you will learn how to use the mouse, keyboard and Windows 10 Operating System, save and organize files and folders, and also get an introduction to the Internet. 

Series dates and times:

Intro to Computers (Learn basic mouse and keyboard skills, and Windows 10)

Monday, January 24, 2 pm

Organizing File Folders (Create/Organize Folders, Cut/Move/Copy Folders, etc.)

Tuesday January 25, 2 pm

Basic Internet (Basic Internet Searching)

Wednesday January 26, 2 pm

Gmail 1 (Sign-up Gmail; compose, read and send messages)

Thursday January 27, 11 am

Gmail 2 (Learn cc vs bcc, group send, create contacts, Labels and more)

Friday January 28, 2 pm

Please cancel if you cannot attend the class after registration. You can do so online via the email confirmation received at the time of registration or by calling Nordonia Hills Branch library at 330-467-8595.

Welcoming New Americans in Summit County: An Introduction to Our Cultural Diversity

Wednesday, February 2, 6:30 pm

Did you know that Ohio is one of the top resettlement states in the United States? In Summit County Alone, we have many groups from all over the world, from Southeast Asia to the Middle East to Africa. Learn about the groups resettling in our area: where they come from, why they are here, and the cultural diversity that makes our area unique. Please register.

Paper Marbling

Saturday, February 5, 1-3 pm

Marbling is the mesmerizing art of transferring patterns of paint floating on water to paper, fabric, or another surface. Learn about this colorful art form and try your hand at marbling yourself with Akron artist and paper marbler Claire Marks. Seats are limited. Please register online, by phone or in person, starting Monday, January 3 at 10 am.

Opera 101

Thursday, February 17, 6pm

What defines opera? Designed for the opera novice, this talk is an overview of this art form with listening samples spanning opera’s 400-year history. Attendees will be introduced to some of opera’s most beloved stories, melodies and performers, leaving confident in attending their first operatic experience. Presented by the Cleveland Opera Theater. Please register.

Children’s Programs

Baby Time

Thursdays, February 10, February 17, 10:15 a.m.

Baby Time features books, bounces, songs, and bubbles followed by a playtime. Baby Time is for ages 2 and under.

Story Time

Thursdays, February 10, February 17, 11:30 a.m.

Story time features stories, rhymes, music, sometimes flannels, and bubbles followed by a playtime.

Story Time is for children ages 3-5.

Paws for Reading

Tuesday, February 8, 6:30 pm

Monday, February 28, 6:30 pm

Read a book to a certified therapy dog, Edmund or Sweetie. Bring a book or read one of ours! This is a great way for children to practice their literacy skills and gain more confidence in reading aloud. Children of all ages are welcome.

School Age Programs

Is It Magic Or Is It Science?

Second Monday of each month 6:00 pm

February 14

Family, School Age K-2 and 3-5, Tween

Join us for great hands on STEM fun.

After School Program

Wednesday, February 9, 4 pm

School Age (Grades K-2), School Age (Grades 3-5)

Join us after school at 4 pm for some fun activities.

February 9–Brighten up the winter with some mosaic art.

Messy Monday

February 21, 6:15 pm

Join us for some messy fun. One Monday a month at 6 pm. Remember to wear some old clothes, you may get messy.

February 21 – Use a canvas, tape, and watercolors to make a tape resist watercolor painting. Register online, by phone, or in person. 

Take It Make It Popsicle Stick Snowman

Take It Make It Paper Cup Snowman

February 1-28

Use a cup, pipe cleaner, felt, and pompoms to make a cute snowman.

Teen Programs

Tween Take It Make It

February 1-26, Rainbow Heart Wreath

Make a beautiful paper wreath to hang on your door.

Dungeons and Dragons

Second Monday of each month, February 14 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Join our quest at your own peril! Bring your own dice and drinking vessel or pay Miss Sue 10 pieces of gold. We are a green group. Snacks and drinks provided. For more information, please ask Miss Sue. 

Teens Turn Out

The 4th Thursday of each month, we’ll try something new. Maybe a craft, a recipe, or a new skill.

Thursday, February 24, 3:30 pm

We are going to make denim feather pendants. Please register.

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