Nordonia Hills Branch Library Events as of June 29th

Nordonia Hills Branch

Adult Programs

Visit or call 330.467.8595 to register where required.

Friends of the Library Open House

Saturday, July 9, 2-4 pm

The Friends of the Library would like to invite the public to meet our new Nordonia Hills branch manager, Sarah Rosenberger, at an Open House at the Library on Saturday, July 9 from 2-4 pm. Refreshments will be served and no registration is necessary.

Casual Reads

Light fiction book club

The second Monday of each month 2 pm we will get together to discuss light fiction books. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion.

July 11 – The Cilbury Ladies Choir by Jennifer Ryan

August 27 – TBA

Socrates Café

Adult Discussion and Philosophical Exploration

Wednesdays, July 13, August 10, 6:30 pm  

Coffee and Conversation

Thursday Book Discussion

July 14, August 11, 2 pm

A monthly meeting to discuss fiction and nonfiction titles in a casual group setting. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion.

Thursday, July 14, 2 pm “Good Sisters” by Sally Hepworth

Thursday, August 11, 2 pm TBA

Nordonia Hills Game Time

Board games for everyone

July 16, August 20, 10 am–5 pm 

Meet and join in with players of various games including chess, board and Euro games, role-playing games, mah-jongg, war games, and regular and trading card games. All ages welcome. Please register.

Writer’s Guild of Nordonia Hills Writing group for aspiring writers

Wednesdays, July 20, August 10, 6:30 pm 

Writers wanted! New writers and old hands welcome, fiction, nonfiction, and everything in between. Have your work critiqued and give feedback to others in a fun and friendly environment. Please bring a sample of your work to share. 

Mystery Book Discussion

Mystery lovers book club

Wednesdays,  6:30 p.m.

Join us to discuss a good mystery. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion. Please register.

Titles are as follows:

July 27, 6:30 pm “Woman In The Window” by A.J. Finn

August 24, 6:30 pm TBA

Children’s Programs 

Baby Time

Thursdays, July 7, July 14, August 11, August 18, 10:15 a.m.

Baby Time features books, bounces, songs, and bubbles followed by a playtime.  Baby Time is for ages 2 and under. Register online, by phone, or in person.

Story Time

Thursdays, July 7, July 14, August 11, August 18, 11:30 a.m.

Story time features stories, rhymes, music, sometimes flannels, and bubbles followed by a playtime.

Story Time is for children ages 3-5. Register online, by phone, or in person

Paws for Reading

Tuesdays, July 12, August 9, 6:30 pm

Mondays, July 25, August 22, 6:30 pm

Read a book to a certified therapy dog, Edmund or Sweetie. Bring a book or read one of ours! This is a great way for children to practice their literacy skills and gain more confidence in reading aloud. Children of all ages are welcome. Register online, by phone, or in person

Messy Monday

July 25, August 15, 6:15pm

Join us for some messy fun at 6:15pm. Remember to wear some old clothes, you may get messy. Register online, by phone, or in person

July 25- Ocean in a Bottle-Use some everyday household materials and a few other surprise objects to make your very own ocean in a bottle.

August 15– Sandpaper Starfish-Learn about starfish, while coloring sandpaper with oil pastels.  We will then cut and make a starfish out of the sandpaper.

School Age Program

School Age Fun!

Tuesdays at 2 pm

Tuesdays, June 9-July 26, at 2 pm, join us as we laugh, learn, and have some fun.

July 5-Let’s play Bingo

July 12- One T Entertainment – Join your library friends for a summer afternoon dance party.

July 19 Ankle Biters Improv- Experience interactive improv comedy for all ages.

July 26-David Anthony- Be wowed with award-winning magic.

Take It Make It-Fish

July  1-30

Use sequins, construction paper, and a cd to make a sparkly fish.

Take It Make It-Jellyfish

August  1-31 July  1-30

Take home a kit with a paper bowl and streamers to make a jellyfish. Use markers or crayons to decorate your jellyfish.

Teen Programs

Teen Cafe

Wednesdays, June 8 through 29; July 6 & 27; from 2 pm to 3:30 pm.

July 6 –  10th annual Paper Air Plane Races with prizes

July 13 – Faux Stained Glass

July 20 Water Science

July 27 – Pizza & Games

Take It Make it

Take home a kit with everything you need to create the monthly project.

June – Seashell necklace

July – Rope Basket

August – Funny Face Bookmarks

Teen  Lit Loot

Grades 6-12 are invited to register for our book box service: Lit Loot! Each box will contain two books and an assortment of goodies. Register online, in person, or by phone at330-467-8595.

August 1 – Fantasy

September 1 – School Stories

October 1 – Spooky Tales

November 1 – Family

December 1 – Giving

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