Adult ProgramsÂ
Visit or call 330.467.8595 to register where required.
Mystery Book DiscussionÂ
Mystery lovers book club
Wednesdays, March 23, April 27, 6:30 p.m.Â
Join us to discuss a good mystery. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion. Please register.
Titles are as follows:
March 23 Billy Summers: a Novel by Stephen King
April 27 Harlem Shuffle: A novel by Colson Whitehead
Friends of Nordonia Hills Branch Library Book Sale Â
Friday, March 25, 12:30-3:00 pm Friends Pre-saleÂ
Enjoy this special book sale preview with a $5 Friends of Nordonia Hills Branch Library membership.
Friday, March 25, 3:00 – 6:00 pm Book Sale
Enjoy a wide selection of items at this book sale to benefit the Nordonia Hills Branch Library and surrounding community.
Saturday, March 26, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Book SaleÂ
Enjoy a wide selection of items at this book sale to benefit the Nordonia Hills Branch Library and surrounding community. Bag sale 2-4. $5 per bag!
Casual Reads Light fiction book clubÂ
The second Monday of each month 2 pm we will get together to discuss light fiction books. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion.
Monday, April 11 – State of Wonder by Ann Patchett
Socrates CaféÂ
Adult Discussion and Philosophical Exploration
Wednesdays, April 13, 6:30 pm Â
A regular gathering of adults engaging in great conversation, exploring current events, thoughtful ideas, and reasoned debates. Come and take part, or just listen to the discussion! For all patrons 16 & over. No registration necessary – No homework – No assigned reading.
Coffee and Conversation Â
Thursday Book DiscussionÂ
April 14, May 12, 2 pmÂ
A monthly meeting to discuss fiction and nonfiction titles in a casual group setting. Copies of each title will be available at the Nordonia Hills Branch Library one month prior to the discussion.
Thursday, April 14 Fuzz: When Nature breaks the Law by Mary RoachÂ
Writer’s Guild of Nordonia Hills Writing group for aspiring writers
Wednesdays, April 20, 6:30 pm Â
Writers wanted! New writers and old hands welcome, fiction, nonfiction, and everything in between. Have your work critiqued and give feedback to others in a fun and friendly environment. Please bring a sample of your work to share.Â
Nordonia Hills Game TimeÂ
Board games for everyone
April 16, 10 am–5 pm Â
Meet and join in with players of various games including chess, board and Euro games, role-playing games, mah-jongg, war games, and regular and trading card games. All ages welcome. Please register.
Children’s ProgramsÂ
Paws for ReadingÂ
Mondays, March 28, April 25, 6:30 pmÂ
Tuesdays, April 12, 6:30 pmÂ
Read a book to a certified therapy dog, Edmund or Sweetie. Bring a book or read one of ours! This is a great way for children to practice their literacy skills and gain more confidence in reading aloud. Children of all ages are welcome. Register online, by phone, or in person Â
Baby TimeÂ
Thursdays, April 14, April 21, 10:15 a.m.
Baby Time features books, bounces, songs, and bubbles followed by a playtime. Baby Time is for ages 2 and under. Register online, by phone, or in person.Â
Story TimeÂ
Thursdays, April 14, April 21, 11:30 a.m.
Story time features stories, rhymes, music, sometimes flannels, and bubbles followed by a playtime.
Story Time is for children ages 3-5. Register online, by phone, or in person
Messy MondayÂ
April 18, May 16, 6:1 5pmÂ
Join us for some messy fun at 6:15pm. Remember to wear some old clothes, you may get messy. Register online, by phone, or in person
April 18 –Pulled String Art-Make a pulled string art painting with paint, paper, liquid watercolors, and string. The process is captivating and the results are beautiful.
May 16-Paint a wooden drawer for your little things or keepsakes.
School Age Programs Â
Once Upon a MattressÂ
March 19, 3 pmÂ
Actors from Nordonia Hills High School’s production of Once upon a Mattress will read an adaptation of the Princess and the Pea and more. We will also make a craft and enjoy some refreshments. Don’t forget to get you picture taken with the characters. Â
Is It Magic Or Is It Science?Â
Second Monday of each month 6:00 pmÂ
April 12 &May 10Â
Join us for great hands on STEM fun.
After School ProgramÂ
Wednesdays, April 13, 4 pm Â
Join us after school at 4 pm for some fun activities. Register online, by phone, or in person
April 13-Make you very own travel tic-tac-toe game out of a burlap bag and other various supplies. Â
Take It Make It Dixie Cup WindmillÂ
March -1-31Â
Make a windmill using paint, a cup, foam, and a metal brad.
Take It Make It Seed BombÂ
April 1-22Â
Make your very own Earth Day seed bomb to plant later on Earth Day.Â
Teen ProgramsÂ
Teens VolunteerÂ
Saturday, April 9, 11am-1pmÂ
Join us one Saturday a month to work on projects like making library decorations, creating cards for shut ins and cleaning toys and library shelves. Drop in any time between 11 am and 1 pm.
Dungeons and DragonsÂ
Second Monday of each month, April 11 & May 9 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pmÂ
Join our quest at your own peril! Bring your own dice and drinking vessel or pay Miss Sue 10 pieces of gold. We are a green group. Snacks and drinks provided. For more information, please ask Miss Sue.