Nordonia Hills Branch Library Events – November 23, 2016

9458 Olde Eight Road
Northfield, OH 44067
(330) 467-8595
Find us on Facebook, Pinterest, Podomatic, iTunes, and Twitter

Library Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Friday, 12 Noon to 6 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sundays – Closed

Contact: Patrick Manning
Sue Huston
Melissa Recco
Shannon Wood

Monthly Challenges
For Grades K-5 – Monthly challenges will be located in children’s area. Complete the challenge for a chance to win a small prize. For the November project, use a color grid to color in a person, place, thing, or animal!

Holiday Toy Drive
In partnership with The Emergency Assistance Center of Northfield, the Library is hosting a holiday toy drive. Brand new toys still in the original packaging and gifts for teenagers (such as spirit wear, socks, lotion, etc.) are requested. Drop off donations in the Library lobby November 14 – December 16.

Holiday Closing
The library will be closed Thursday, November 24, for Thanksgiving Day.

No School Library Party
For students in grades 5 and up. Bring your friends and have some fun on your day off school. Please sign up. Friday, November 25, 1:30 p.m. – it’s time for a Lego Block Party.

Family Night
Join our program for families of all ages! One Monday a month at 6:30 p.m. we’ll get together for some great crafts. Monday, November 28 – Canvas Tape Painting.

Adult Coloring Night
Bring your own coloring book or choose from provided coloring pages and spend the evening relaxing and coloring with new friends. Tuesday, November 29, 6 p.m.

NanoWriMo Write-In
Taking on the NanoWriMo challenge to write 50,000 words of your novel in a month? Come Write In here at the library in a quiet, distraction free environment. Light refreshments provided. Wednesday, November 30, 6 – 8 p.m.

Mystery Book Discussions
The Mystery Book Lovers discussion group is an informal group of adult mystery readers, usually meeting the fourth Wednesday of each month. Our next discussion will be “Reader’s Choice” of a Martin Edwards mystery on Wednesday, November 30 at 7 p.m.

Yoga for Little Ones
Children 2-5 years old can join us for some yoga fun presented by Nirvana Yoga on Thursday, December 1, 11 a.m.

Crafters’ Corner
Join your fellow craft enthusiasts for daylong fun. Bring your own supplies. All crafts welcome. Lots of table space to spread out. Refreshments served. Come for an hour or the entire day. Saturday, December 3, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Gift Giving on the Cheap 8
We’re back for our eighth season of fun and cheap gift giving ideas. Learn to create your own affordable holiday gifts on virtually any budget. For teens (8th grade and up) and adults. Class size is limited to 20 participants, so registration is requested. Tuesday, December 6, 6:30 p.m.

Coffee & Conversation Book Discussions
Join us for some great conversation with your fellow Nordonia Hills readers! Our afternoon book discussion group meets the second Thursday of each month. Our next discussion is Thursday, December 8 at 2 p.m. We will “Reader’s Choice” of a biography.

Monday Casual Reads
Join us the second Monday of each month for reader-to-reader book discussions, fun, and sharing with fellow light reading lovers. We will discuss The Mistletoe Inn by Richard Paul Evans on Monday, December 12 at 2 p.m.

Stitch Clique
Grab your crocheting/knitting needles and yarn and stitch the evening away. Join us the second Tuesday of each month for crocheting/knitting tips, friendship, advice and more. Refreshments will be served. Tuesday, December 13, 6-8 p.m.

Socrates Café
Interested in candid, thought-provoking conversation? Join your fellow patrons at the Socrates Café, an informal adult discussion that takes place each month here at the library. The Cafe opens on Wednesday, December 14 at 6:30 p.m. 16 & over, please.

Nordonia Hills Game Time
The library hosts a regular games “meet-up” each month for patrons who enjoy: board games, cards, chess, role-playing, war games, and collectible card games. The next meet-up will be on Saturday, December 17, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Join fellow local players – Sharpen your intellect – Enjoy the social aspects of games. Refreshments are served. No registration is necessary.

3rd – 4th Grade Book Club
For children in 3rd-4th grades. Once a month at 4 p.m., we will read a different chapter book and then come in and talk about it with others over a drink and a snack. On Monday, December 19, we will read Young Scrooge: A Very Scary Christmas Story by R. L. Stine.

Mini Teen Makerspace
For students in grade 5 and up. One Tuesday a month at 6:30 p.m. we will get together and create with a different medium. On Tuesday, December 20, try your hand at different printing techniques.

An Evening of Jazz with Curtis Taylor
Grammy-Award winning trumpeter Curtis Taylor returns! The celebrated musician will perform live with his jazz quartet. Wednesday, December 21, 7 p.m. Seats are first-come, first-seated.

Branch Podcast
Our library podcast, On Nonfiction, is available for listening on iTunes, and at

For more information call the Nordonia Hills Library at 330-467-8595 or visit the library at 9458 Olde Eight Rd. Email us at

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