Nordonia Hills Chamber of Commerce: 2017 Small Business of the Year – Kristen Medcalf Monroe

2017 Small Business of the Year 

The Medcalf Monroe Agency – Allstate Kristen Medcalf Monroe

By Laura Sparano

Agent Kristen’s vision of creating a legacy of individualized protection for her clients is always uppermost in her mind, but she never misses an occasion to better the lives of those around her. 

Having 3 children of her own, Kristen is very sensitive to the needs of children around her.  She has rallied her agency to donate their time and dollars to the following:  March of Dimes, Change Bandit for the Akron Children’s Hospital, Selfless Elf 5k sponsored by the Akron Canton Food Bank, Toys for Tots and Before Baby Maternity Fair at Akron General Hospital.  Her team even put on a St. Patrick’s Day party for families in the NICU at Akron Children’s Hospital.

The Monroe Agency doesn’t settle for just a monetary donation, but spends hours volunteering at the Medina & Summit County Battered Women’s Shelter.  Kristen stepped up to chair the Chamber Scholarship Program this year and has taken a leadership role in the new Young Professional Group, as well as a position on the NHCOC Board of Directors.

Locally, Kristen’s team doesn’t stop at selling and servicing insurance policies, but works to enhance the community they work in.  From their involvement in the Nordonia Hills Safety Town and Local National Night Out (Police & Community partnership event) to organizing a Home Buyer & Seller Seminar at the Library and raising money for the NH Athletic Boosters, Kristen’s team is making sure they leave a legacy of caring for their community.

For setting an example for other entrepreneurs and a role model for up and coming business leaders, we award our Small Business of the Year 2017 to the Allstate Monroe Agency, Kristen Monroe, Agent.

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