Nordonia Hills residents will have the opportunity to vote “yes” or “no” on a proposed 5-mill continuous school district levy on March 19.
Issue 10 is a 5-mill additional permanent tax levy. If passed the levy will generate $7.35 million annually and cost the owner of a home about $175 for every $100,000 of the county fiscal officer’s appraised value in taxable property.
According to the ballot, 4-mills will be used for current operating expenses with 1-mill used for general permanent improvements.
Current operating expenses include salaries, utilities, supplies, insurance, and technology, according to the district.
The remaining 1 million would be used for capital improvements to school facilities, enhancement of educational programs, and safety and security.
Residents said “no” to a $165 million bond issue in 2022. The bond would have created new schools and updated others.