The time is now for active involvement in our community. Needless pain and suffering tremendously affect both the user and the family leading to a sense of hopelessness and despair. The undeniable reality is that your son or daughter may be reaching out for help, and at the same time being scared or confused.
When: March 3, 2016, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Nordonia High School Auditorium
• Casey Wright, Nordonia High School Principal
• Cindy Tate-Koumoutzis, State Director, Ohio C.A.N. (Change Addiction Now)
Panel Members:
• Laraine Stumpf, NordoniaHills.News Columnist
• Jonny (Laraine’s son), Recovering Heroin Addict
Guest Speakers: Representative from Ohio Attorney General Office & Local Public Safety Officials
Click here for more information.
This could be your family.