Nordonia Hills Safety Town ribbon cutting ceremony was a unity of will

IMG_2516- lisaAccording to Lisa Ennis, president of the Rotary Club of Nordonia Hills, it all started in 2014 at a rotary club meeting. Fast forward to 2 years later, the community united to celebrate the grand opening of the new Nordonia Hills Safety Town located at Rushwood Elementary. Dorothy Chlad the founder of the National Safety Town Center with other local officials, cut the ribbon, with Laura Sparano the Executive Director of the Nordonia Hills Chamber of Commerce officiating. Laura initiated a count down. Not only was the ribbon cut in the pavilion (with some effort), at the same time, the businesses that had sponsored a store front, also cut the ribbon at their “spot” and also at the same time, students from Rushwood Elementary blew bubbles! (more pictures of the event are on Facebook – click here)


Here is a video of the children blowing bubbles!

This new Nordonia Hills Safety Town is the result of true collaboration between: Rotary Club of Nordonia Hills, the Nordonia Hills YMCA, Nordonia Hills City Schools, Cuyahoga Valley Career Center and Nordonia Hills Preschool Parents.

For those who are interested, there are still storefronts available!



Here are some of the founding businesses, citizens, and non-profits that have store fronts! We applaud those in the community who have added to this project for the children in this Nordonia Hills area!

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