Nordonia Schools Rob Eckenrode Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) State Award of Merit (update)

Congratulations Mr. Rob Eckenrode – NIAAA Merit Award Recipient

Our athletic director, Mr. Eckenrode, was selected for the prestigious NIAAA Merit Award. This award is presented to only ONE athletic direction per state for “outstanding leadership and personal commitment to the values of interscholastic athletics. The NIAAA Board of Directors only gives this award in years when they deem there is a candidate worthy of this honor. It is the NIAAA’s highest individual award.”

Essentially, Mr. Eckenrode is the 2020 Ohio State Champion of Athletic Directors!

Thank you for your countless hours, expertise, and dedication to Nordonia High School and our community! We are lucky to have you leading our athletic department!

Source: Nordonia High School Facebook

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