Nordonia Wrestling Fan Store

From Jason Walters Nordonia High School Wresting Coach

Nordonia Wrestling Family, Friends and Fans:

The wrestling season has officially begun better known as the Grind!

I am very optimistic as I have really been impressed with our boys so far. They have been introduced to a extreme change in training and expectations. The boys are showing a positive attitude so far.

We have a preview match this Wednesday November 15 5:30 pm away against Streetsboro high school. Instead of 3 2 minute periods we will have 1 minute periods. This is a great way to give the team a look of where they are at and where we need to go. Going to be pretty rough with only 4 days of practice but I think very beneficial for the wrestlers and coaches. 

Please come out and support us if possible.  Our first tournament is the first Friday of December at Solon high school 430 pm.

Last and very important is our Fan store or online locker room. This is a website that everyone can go to and buy Fan Gear to support Nordonia Wrestling. It closes in 5 days so I urge everyone that has not already ordered gear to do so. We must have a minimum of $600 ordered or they will not fulfill the order and those that ordered will be refunded. We are currently at $430 so please get your orders in soon. Riddell/Kollegetown is giving a percentage of sales back to the team so the more we sell the more the program will benefit. But most importantly I really want to have our program represented with our fans wearing our gear. 

Please go online to  type in the code NWR17 and go shopping.  I have attached the flier as well.


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