NordoniaHills.News reaches another milestone with 4,000 Facebook Likes!

By Julie D’Aloiso and Victor Milani

Victor Milani: “We are happy to announce that Nordonia Hills.News has garnered over 4,000 facebook likes in a little over two years. We thank our loyal readers and advertisers who have believed in our digital social media form of dispensing news and information to Nordonia Hills and beyond. The proof of our popularity is indicated in the chart above. Our being able to provide this service is due also to our loyal advertisers, whose numbers have grown exponentially in the past two years. NordoniaHills.News has become the new way Nordonia Hills get their news, updated as the news happens. NordoniaHills.News is run by Nordonia residents, for Nordonia Hills and this region. Thanks for making us the success we have become…WATCH US GROW, THE BEST IS YET TO COME! “

Julie D’Aloiso would like to add: “When I started this online news outlet almost 3 years ago I was cautiously optimistic about its success. Once Victor Milani came on board as my Vice President, things really took off! Gary Miller has been around since day one helping cover the news with video! Felicia Naoum has been writing for us since January of 2016. Her entertainment articles add a new dimension to our content. I thank them and all of our contributors over the years.”

The graphic at the top shows how we stack up on Facebook compared to some other news pages on Facebook. The Engagement numbers indicate likes, comments, and shares.

Actually, the 4000 likes are just a tip of the iceberg. So many people read us and do not like our Facebook page and that is ok because there are so many other ways to capture how many people are accessing us. Here are some stats from Facebook for the last 28 days.

And of course, there are a lot of people not on Facebook. That is why we use all of these methods of getting out the news:

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Here is a peek at our Twitter stats.

And Instagram.
And we have more fun coming. We are working with the high school (via my afterschool Digital Journalism and Sports Broadcasting club) to help students learn to cover fall sports with articles, pictures, and video.

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