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Northfield Center: Additional Police Levy on March 19 Township Ballot

Township residents will be asked on March 19 to voice their opinion on whether more funds are needed for police protection currently provided by the Summit County Sheriff’s Department or if the current context is enough.  

Issue 4 is a 3-mill levy that asks “yes” or “no” to an additional tax to pay rising costs incurred by the Township for police protection and other related costs.

If passed the levy would bring in “$724,000 annually, at a rate not exceeding 3 mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $105 for each $100,000 of the county fiscal officer’s appraised value, for a continuing period, commencing in 2024, first due in calendar year 2025,” according to the ballot language. 

The additional funds would be used for salaries, equipment, and vehicle costs for police service, according to the Trustees.

If the levy fails, the current police fund will only support the current level of police services through the end of 2026, according to Trustees.

The Summit County Sheriff’s Department has been providing policing services to Northfield Center Township for more than 50 years.

The last police levy passed in 2014. According to Township officials revenues from the levy have not met the rising cost of safety-related services. 

Revenues from levies do not increase. However costs associated with policing services have increased, according to the Township. 

If passed, the Township would receive the funds in 2025.

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