Northfield Center Legal Notice: Public Hearing on Monday, July 1 – Text Amendments to Section 230.17 Solar Panels

Pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code, notice is hereby given that the Northfield Center Township Board of Trustees will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, July 1, at 6:30 pm at the Administrative Offices, 8484 Olde Eight Road, Northfield Center OH to discuss proposed text amendments to Section 230.17 Solar Panels to add a new letter E to read, “Solar panels shall be removed if not functioning and disposed of in accordance with county, state and federal guidelines” and, in Section 610.07 Denial of Zoning Certificate a new letter B to read, “A zoning certificate shall not be issued if there are any zoning violations attached to the property, unless the permit being applied for is deemed necessary to correct the existing violation(s)” of the Northfield Center Township Zoning Resolution.


Those not able to attend the Public Hearing are encouraged to submit their comments in writing to the Administrative Offices either by mail, email (, preferably no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, 2024. The proposed text changes are on file at the Administrative Offices and are available for viewing during normal business hours Monday – Thursday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  The meeting is open to the public.

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