Northfield Center Meetings 4-1-19 Public Forum, Work session and Regular Meeting (AUDIO)

By Julie D’Aloiso

First on the list for the night was the Board of trustees Public Hearing. 

The purpose of this Hearing was to afford the Public the opportunity to express their opinions pertaining to the Zoning Commission’s recommendations to the Trustees regarding proposed text amendments to the following chapters and sections of the Northfield Center Township Zoning Resolution (click to see related documents):

Chapter 130 “Definitions”; Chapter 310 “Residential District Regulations”-Section 310.08, letters C and D; Chapter 350 “Commercial District Regulations”-Section 350.04, Letter B, and Section 350.11, Letter B; and, Chapter 420 “Sign Regulations”-Section 420.08.

Zoning Inspector Don Saunders said that they have had numerous inquires about pergolas and gazebos making them as an independent structure and not classifying them as an accessory building. They are more of a decorative structure and not something that would be used for housing like a accessory building would.
The 2 foot base sign requirements came as a request from numerous businesses because of the new electronic sign requirements. They don’t want the sign on the ground because snow plows sometimes push the snow into the sign. By allowing a two foot base, this should eliminate the “shorting out” that some of the businesses have experienced.

Next on the agenda was the Board of Trustees Work Session.
First on the list of discussions was the proposed fire service line installation presented by Jeff Snell who is the fiscal officer of the water district.
They are proposing a Fire Service Water Line on Natalie Blvd from Springcreek to Sandy Hill. The purpose is to provide easier access in the event of a fire. The project cost would be shared with the three partners: Northfield Water District, Sagamore Township and Northfield Center Township. Northfield Centers proposed cost would be around $160,000, Northfield Water District almost $90,000 and Sagamore Township around $90,000.

Listen to the work session in it’s entirety here (click the green arrow):

See the 2 documents below for the maps discussed.



And last, but not least, was the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting.

Here are the related documents related to this meeting:

Agenda-Trustee Regular Meeting (April 1, 2019)

ODOT Salt Purchase Resolution (April 1, 2019)

First on the agenda was Anthony Okray, Government Banking Relationship Manager for Huntington Bank (Mr. Okray spoke to the trustees about the investment options open to the Township.)

There were some pubic comments related to the Spitzer Property proposed rezoning (click to see related article) and committee reports. You can listen to the public portion of the meeting below (click the green arrow). Please excuse the audio, which at times is difficult to decipher.

Northfield Center Trustees could not comment on the MOU due to the matter is still pending court approval.

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