Northfield Center Township Update: Leaf Collection

Dear Township Update List Member:

Here is information regarding the 2016 Leaf Collection:

Northfield Center Township will begin the fall leaf collection Monday, October 31, 2016, weather permitting. In order to contain costs and maintain services, there will be only two scheduled pickups for each road, one in each Round. Unless there is weather delay, leaf collection will cease after each road has had its pickup in Round 2.

We will be using two crews this year: our Road Department (East of Olde Eight) and Nied Garden Center (Olde Eight and West).

This operation can be more effective and efficient if the following policies are followed. Failure to comply could possibly result in no collection.

1.) Please rake leaves in 3 ft. to 4 ft. wide rows or piles alongside the road starting at the road edge, and not to exceed 15 ft. from the road. If your property has ditches keep leaf piles between the ditch and the road. If you are unable to place leaves between the ditch and the road, pile the leaves on the “house side” of the ditch as close to the ditch as possible. Do not put leaves in the center of the ditch since it can cause flooding. Additionally, wet leaves impair vacuuming.

2.) Keep storm water systems clear of leaves to insure proper flow. Do not cover catch basins or culvert pipes.

3.) Do not place leaves in the street, behind trees, mail boxes, or over rocks.

4.) This is a leaf collection only. Do not put sticks, branches, stones, mulch, grass clippings, ornamental grasses, trash, garden debris, etc. in the leaf piles. These clog our machines and can cause extensive and costly damage. Piles containing debris will not be picked up.

5.) Do not block leaves with vehicles because we cannot pick them up. If your leaves are blocked during Round 1, they will have to wait until Round 2. If they are still blocked during Round 2, you will have to dispose of them yourself.

6.) Please have your leaves ready BEFORE October 31, 2016 for Round 1 and BEFORE November 14, 2016 for Round 2. There will be only one pickup per Round per road. Any leaves remaining after the 2nd pickup will have to be bagged by the homeowner and placed out with the rubbish.

7.) Every evening the list of completed or partially completed roads will be available on the “Leaf Collection” link on our web site ( and on our Facebook Page:

Additional updates will appear on Cable Station 16 and emailed to those on our Township Update distribution list. Anyone interested in joining the Township Update distribution list should email the Trustees at

Do to unforeseen circumstances, such as severe or inclement weather or equipment breakdowns, we may at times fall behind schedule. With everyone’s cooperation the Leaf Collection will run smoother and quicker.

Direct your questions or comments concerning leaf collection to the Town Hall by phone (330-467-7646 ext. 5) or email:

Leaf Collection Start Dates for all Dedicated Roads, Weather Permitting
Round #1: October 31, 2016
Round #2: November 14, 2016

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation during the leaf collection.

Samuel J. Ciocco

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