Northfield VFW Post 6768 will be sponsoring quarterly blood drives

Northfield VFW Post 6768 will be sponsoring quarterly blood drives for Nordonia Hills. One pint of blood has the potential to save three lives. If you are unable to donate, I encourage you to find at least two people so you have personally helped save six lives. From premature babies to cancer patients, you can help! Northeast Ohio is one of the leading areas in the country due to our amazing hospital networks that require 800 pints of blood daily. In order for you to help, we need to have as many people as possible booked for the first few blood drives. We are shooting for our first drive in December. Please message me with your information so I can get you on the donor list or stop up to the post and sign up in person. Your help is much appreciated by those need!
VFW Post 6768 Senior Vice Commander and Nordonia Hills Blood Drive Coordinator

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