Northfield Village Council Meeting 12-11 and 12-23 (VIDEO) New Police Dog “Cash” Sworn In

Here are the minutes from the 12-11-19 meeting. We do not have the video due to audio difficulties. Scroll down to see the highlights from the 12-23-19 meeting and the video for that meeting.
Engineer, Rich Wasosky
Mr. Wasosky first reported on the Houghton Road Project. He stated the paperwork has been submitted to the NEORSD for the release of $106,510 in Village allocated community cost share storm water funds approved for the Project, but he is not sure if the
Village has received the money yet. The roadway portion of the Project is complete. The Village is still waiting for the traffic signal poles to arrive.
With respect to the Dollar General Project, Mr. Wasosky is in the process of reviewing
the final plans. He stated a Planning Commission Meeting needs to be scheduled to approve the final plans and additional 3 variances previously discussed with Council. It was determined that there was not enough time to notify the contiguous property owners for a December meeting and that a meeting should be scheduled for this purpose on January 15, 2020.

Mr. Wasosky asked the Mayor and Council to notify him as soon as possible what road
way projects the Village wants designed or completed in 2020 and whether the Village wants to apply for any OPWC Issue 1 projects. Surveying work for the Coventry Road plans is in progress.

Law Director, Brad Bryan 
Mr. Bryan requested approval of a purchase order for West Roofing Systems, Inc. to install caps on the Village Hall roof in the amount of $12,500. He stated this project was discussed with Council a few months ago, and the contractor is ready to perform the work. A motion to approve the purchase order for West Roofing Systems, Inc. for the Village Hall roof capping work in the amount of $12,500 was made by Mr. Hipps and seconded by Ms. Domzalski. All were in favor of the motion; none were opposed. The motion was adopted.

Fire Department, Chief Jason Buss
Chief Buss stated he is continuing to meet with the architect regarding the Fire Station Renovation and Expansion Project, and the plans are nearly complete.

Service Department, Jason Walters
Mr. Walters stated the leaf program has been terminated for the year. The Department serviced each street at least three times. Mr. Walters reported continuing mechanical issues with one of the trucks used for salting and the front end loader. He will
keep Council apprised as to what is happening with those vehicles.

Planning Commission, Mr. Hipps
Mr. Hipps reiterated that a Planning Commission Meeting
is tentatively scheduled for January 15, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. to consider the Zaremba Group/Dollar General final plans and additional variance requests.

Recreation Board, Mayor Nehez
Mayor Nehez stated since the next Recreation Board Meet
ing date would fall on January 1, 2020, the Board will not meet in January.

2019-74 – An Emergency Resolution Confirming the Mayor’s Appointment of Jennifer
Potvin as Director of Finance and Clerk of Council (First Reading) A motion to suspend the
three reading rule was made by Mr. Magistrelli and seconded by Mr. Vojtush. All were in favor; none were opposed. A motion for passage was made by Mr. Vojtush and seconded by Mr. Magistrelli. All were in favor; none were opposed. The Resolution was adopted. The Mayor and Council welcomed Ms. Potvin to the Village. See related article.

2019-75 – An Emergency Resolution Confirming the Mayor’s Appointment of Lisa Bur-
rows to the Recreation Board (First Reading) A motion to suspend the three reading rule was made by Ms. Noack and seconded by Mr. Magistrelli. All were in favor; none were opposed. A motion for passage was made by Ms. Noack and seconded by Ms. Domzalski. All were in favor; none were opposed. The Resolution was adopted.

2019-76 – An Emergency Resolution Requesting the Summit County Fiscal Officer, in the
Year 2020, to Advance to the Village Monies to which the Village is Entitled from the
Proceeds of Tax Levies for the Tax Year 2019 (First Reading) A motion to suspend the three
reading rule was made by Mr. Vojtush and seconded by Mr. Hipps. All were in favor; none were opposed. A motion for passage was made by Mr. Vojtush and seconded by Ms. Noack. All were in favor; none were opposed. The Resolution was adopted.

2019-77 – An Emergency Resolution Setting Forth the Rates of Pay for
Full-Time Members of the Fire Department for 2020 (First Reading) The Resolution was read by title by Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bryan suggested that no action be taken on this Resolution this evening and that it advance to a second reading at the next Council Meeting.

2019-78 – An Emergency Resolution Setting Forth the Rates of Pay for Part-Time Members of the Fire Department for 2020 (First Reading) The Resolution was read by title by Mr.
Bryan. It was determined that no action would be taken on this Resolution this evening and that it advance to a second reading at the next Council Meeting.

2019-79 – An Emergency Resolution Setting Forth the Rates of Pay for Certain Employees
for 2020 (First Reading) The Resolution was read by title by Mr. Bryan. It was determined that no action would be taken on this Resolution this evening and that it advance to a second reading at the next Council Meeting.

2019-80 – An Emergency Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into Agreements with
Windstream Communications for Telecommunications Services and Equipment (First
Reading) A motion to suspend the three reading rule was made by Mr. Vojtush and seconded by Ms. Noack. All were in favor; none were opposed. A motion for passage was made by Mr. Vojtush and seconded by Ms. Noack. All were in favor; none were opposed. The Resolution was adopted.

2019-81 – An Emergency Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with HMH Restoration, Ltd. for the Village Hall West Wall Garage Door Area Project
(First Reading) A motion to suspend the three reading rule was made by Mr. Hipps and se-
conded by Ms. Noack. All were in favor; none were opposed. A motion for passage was made by Mr. Hipps and seconded by Ms. Domzalski. All were in favor; none were opposed. The Resolution was adopted.

2019-82 – An Emergency Resolution Continuing the Appointment of Richard S. Wasosky
of Euthenics, Inc. as the Village of Northfield Municipal Engineer for the Period of Janu-
ary 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (First Reading) A motion to suspend the three reading rule was made by Mr. Vojtush and seconded by Mr. Magistrelli. All were in favor; none were opposed. A motion for passage was made by Mr. Vojtush and seconded by Mr. Magistrelli. All were in favor; none were opposed. The Resolution was adopted.

Ms Noack reported that she has received several applications for the Veterans Banners and most of the payments related to those applications. She also thanked all of the Village officials that attended the funeral services for her father.

Before the 12-23 meeting Jennifer Domzalski was sworn into office for anther term. And Mayor Jesse Nehez was also sworn in for another term.

Highlights from the 12-23-19 meeting

De Cache Von Koenin Vic (“Cash”) was sworn in as a Village of Northfield Police Dog.

The department wanted to have another police dog due to the new marijuana laws. Cash recently received his state certification needed in narcotics.

In his report, Police Chief John Zolgus, talked about how the current K9 Officer Pseudo has assisted in many cases in the area including:

  • apprehending a suspect in Bedford
  • missing child in Broadview Heights
  • missing child in Green
  • evidence location in regards to a break-in

He also found a hand gun underwater in a stream approximately 5 hours after it had been used in a Maple Heights Homicide.

All legislation passed:

Legislation: 2019-77 – An Emergency Resolution Setting Forth the Rates of Pay for Full-Time Members of the Fire Department for 2020

2019-78 – An Emergency Resolution Setting Forth the Rates of Pay for Part-Time Members of the Fire Department for 2020

2019-79 – An Emergency Resolution Setting Forth the Rates of Pay for Certain Employees for 2020

2019-83 – An Emergency Resolution to Make Temporary Appropriations for Current Expenses and Other Expenditures of the Village for the Period from January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2020

2019-84 – An Emergency Ordinance to Approve the Editing and Inclusion of Certain Ordinances as Parts of the Various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances; to Approve, Adopt, Enact, and Publish New Matter in the Updated and Revised Codified Ordinances, and to Repeal the Ordinances and Resolutions in Conflict Therewith

2019-85 – An Emergency Resolution Amending the Limits of Established Open Blanket Purchase Orders

2019-86 – An Emergency Resolution Confirming the Mayor/Director of Public Safety’s Appointment of De Cache Von Koenin Vic (“Cash”) as a Village Police Dog.


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