Northfield Village Council Meeting 6-10-2020 (AUDIO)

The Village of Northfield Council meeting on 6-10-2020 was held virtually.
See agenda here.

Listen to the audio at the end of this post.

At the meeting they announced how MGM Northfield Park plans to open the casino in phases (live harness racing resumed on May 26th without spectators in attendance). They will be starting with a soft opening for high level rewards members. They will be limited to no more than 1200 attendees and will only have 1/4 of their machines available. The restaurants will be phased in later. There is no word on when the concerts will resume. As soon as we hear the opening date we will let everyone know.


Presented by Jennifer Potvin

“Department heads and departments are staying within our state of emergency spending guidelines set up and we are maintaining the cash reserves. I think that at this point we are about as best as we could have hoped for.”


Presented by Richard Wasosky

Subject: Houghton Road Reconstruction and S.R. 8 Traffic Signals Improvements Project
Comment: The problem with the fire vehicle preemption has been corrected with the addition of an outside antenna, The receiving unit with antenna inside the controller cabinet was not registering at times. The new outside antenna has been receiving all of the signals from the transmitters in the fire vehicles. I was involved with all of the testing, and everything worked fine whenever I left the site.

The contractor is completing the remaining punch list items on Houghton Road this week. I will try to complete all of the project paperwork next week and send the closeout documents to OPWC.

Subject: Dollar General Construction
Comment: The project construction is progressing quickly.

Subject: Ledge Road Phase 2 Reconstruction
Comment: The project is complete, and the final paperwork has been sent to OPWC. The Village should be getting the OPWC Loan amortization schedule this Fall with the first semi- annual payment due this year, The Village is responsible for making the entire loan payment. We have to request the City of Macedonia’s reimburse the Village for their share of the loan payment. I will calculate Macedonia’s share as soon as I receive the amortization schedule.


Presented by Fire Chief Jason Buss

A detailed copy of any fire department activity is available upon request.
NVFD ended 2019 with 844 Incidents (81% EMS 19% Fire, 4% Increase over 2018)
– Call Statistics – As of June 9th, 2020 NVFD responded to a total of 344 incidents in 2020 (-11% over last year at this time). Of NVFD’s total responses, 284 (83%) of those incidents were EMS related and 60 (17%) incidents were FIRE related.
– Mutual Aid Report – In 2020, NVFD provided mutual aid for 18 incidents,  provided automatic aid 12 times, and received mutual aid for 7 incidents and automatic aid for 0 Incidents. (Total MA received in 2013 was 13, 2014 was 15, 2015 was 22, 2016 was 28, 2017 was 26, 2018 was 29, 2019 was 26)
– NVFD’s Average Response Time from time of call till time on scene is 3:35
– MGM & NVRC Stats –
NVFD responded to 45 medical / 0 fire incidents at MGM/NPRT (Down 37.5% vs 2019) and 13 medical / 0 fire incidents at NVRC (Down 65% vs 2019) in 2020. Reductions in call volume directly related to COVID-19 changes. 

Fire Inspector / Prevention Report (May 26, 2020) 

18 Annual Fire Inspections have been completed
1 Hood/Duct/Alarm/Sprinkler Tests have been completed
12 Standby Events at MGM
2017 OFC Radio Compliance Test Due at MGM on 7/2019
– Fire Inspections / Preplans / Etc are Resuming June 8th 

Fire Station Remodel – On hold for now, will reevaluate in the future post COVID 

COVID 19 – Remember despite the reopening occurring, COVID-19 still represents a significant concern to many residents. If any PPE or supplies are needed, please let me know 

Hydrant Flushing – Hydrant flushing will run this year from June 1st – June 20th. If your residents experience a change in water color, let them know to run their cold water to clear.

POLICE REPORT for the month of May, 2020

Presented by Police Chief John Zolgus

– There has been increase in calls for service as businesses open back up from their shutdown.
– There has also been an increase in traffic through the Village as people are going back to work.
– Most of all scheduled trainings for Officers were cancelled because of COVID19.
– Officers will be qualifying at the range in June.
– There were 423 calls for service for May .


Legislation passed for COVID-19 assistance.


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