Northfield Village Leaf Pick-up Schedule 2023

The Village of Northfield leaf pick-up schedule is to begin October 24th and continue to November 22nd.

The Service Department Superintendent, Jason Walters asks for residents to follow these guidelines for leaf pick-ups:

  • Leaves are not to be placed in the
  • Leaves should not be near a drainage ditch where they will cause flooding if they block the
  • Sticks, twigs, rocks, grass clippings, trash and other materials are not to be placed in the leaf piles. This will clog the leaf machine and delay further pick-ups. If these types of debris are found in a pile, service department workers will not collect the rest of the leaf pile and will not return for those
  • Place leaves no farther than 3 feet from the edge of the roadway, this way the hose can reach the leaf
  • Place the piles of leaves in long wind-rows on tree lawns or street side, not in tall
  • Make sure the wind-rows of leaves are at least 10 feet away from any obstructions such as: fire hydrants, utility poles and mailboxes. As these obstructions make leaf pick-ups more difficult and time

The Service Department will pick-up leaves as follows: Time frame for leaf pickup is October 24th – November 22nd.

If a resident still has leaves after collection dates are complete, they should bag them for rubbish pick-up. Bags should not weigh more than 40lbs.

Please check the Village message board in front of the Village Hall periodically for information, contact the Service Department at 330 468 4363.

Please realize that the leaf pickup program is a tremendous expense to the Village and is done as a courtesy to the residents.

Harold J. Walters Service

Superintendent and Building & Zoning Inspector       330 468 4363

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