Northfield Village: Service Dept, Fire and Police Reports (UPDATE Video added)



330 468 4363  Fax: 330 908 7014 Harold Jason Walters, Service/Building

Department Superintendent Department of Public Service  report – June 14, 2017
1.  Fire Hydrant restoration – I am requesting that Council please make a motion  to pass, for Mr. T’s Sandblasting to sandblast fire hydrants at $145.00 each, not to exceed $25,375.00.
2.  Flag Poles – We have installed the Route 8 replacement flag poles.  Old poles were 5′ in length and the new ones are 6′ long.  The old ones were in rough condition, so we decided to replace with 6′ which helps flags from being caught up on the wooden utility poles.  The 6′ poles were actually $2.00 less per pole than the 5′ poles.
3.  Lawn Maintenance – Our crews are currently maintaining 30 vacant properties.  This requires a significant amount of time from our maintenance men.  Typically these properties are cut every 2-3 weeks, making sure they are not in violation.
4.  Pot Holes – We have patched the majority of our potholes, especially the temporary patches in the Presidential’s.  We still have several areas of road repair to complete.  Once the Presidential streets are repaved, this will help significantly reduce the amount of patching to be done.
5.  Sewer Camera Truck – This truck is now up and running and we have started filming sewers.  This is a great asset to our Village.
6.  Magnolia Curb Project – Will begin Wednesday, June 14th and all residents were notified by hand delivered letters in the beginning of June.  I received only one call from a resident with concerns.  I assured him that we would observe the project, and once the project is completed, over the next year we will address any issues that may arise due to installing the curbs.  The biggest issue I foresee would be water drainage.
7.  Lot Striping –  We have contracted United Striping Services Inc. to stripe Smith Park, Huntington Park, Fire Dept and Ledge Rd Service Dept. at the cost of $1,035.00.
8.  Ledge Rd & Rte 8 Signage Project –  Is complete, other than planting some trees.  The Ledge Rd sign has brought us many compliments.  Mayor Nehez worked with the Service Dept. on this project from start to finish.
9.  Village Beautification –  With Mayor Nehez’s direction, the Service Dept. crews have been working on many projects with Mayor Nehez such as plantings, landscaping etc.
10.  May Cleanup –  This annual program was yet another success.  Our residents truly appreciate this program and take advantage of it each year.  We collected 49 tons of waste at Houghton Rd. dumpsters; 27 tons of waste at Chestnut Rd dumpster; and 42 tons of waste at Ledge Rd dumpsters.  Grand total of 118 tons of waste removed from our Village.
11.  Point of Sale Inspections –   To date we have completed 45 point of sale inspections on residential properties.  Of those 45 properties, 28 have been sold thus far.
12.  Property Violations –   We currently have 19 property violations pending. Thank you, Harold J. Walters


June 14, 2017

Activity Report

  • A detailed copy of fire department activity is available upon request.
  • As of June 14th, 2017, NVFD responded to a total of 328 We responded to a total of 814 incidents in 2016. 271 of those incidents were EMS related and 57 incidents were FIRE related.
  • NVFD has provided mutual aid for 14 incidents, provided automatic aid 10 times, and received mutual aid for 8 incidents and automatic aid for 1 (Total MA received in 2013 was 13, 2014 was 15, 2015 was 22, 2016 was 28)
  • NVFD’s average response time from time of call till time on scene is 3:17
    • As mutual and automatic aid has increased, our overall response time has been increased on average

Fire Inspector / Prevention Report (June 14th, 2017)

  • 26 Annual Fire Inspections have been completed
  • 5 Hood/Duct/Alarm/Sprinkler Tests have been completed
  • 32 Standby Events at Hard Rock Rocksino

Department News

Bowen Building Review – Process is ongoing, have had meeting with all departments that will be involved I the process.

Fire Hydrants – NVFD completed its annual fire hydrant flushing program.  All but two fire hydrants have been replaced by Cleveland Water.

Smoke Detectors – NVFD still has smoke detectors available at the fire department to residents who need them.  They are free of charge to residents and limited to one per household at this time.  Call the fire station for more details.

Hard Rock Rocksino & NVRC Stats – NVFD responded to 51 medical / 1 fire incidents at the Hard Rock and 43 medical / 1 fire incidents at NVRC Since January 1, 2017. 






The Police Department swore in Joseph Beltrami in as a full time Officer.

The Police Department is still in the process of interviewing applicants.

 Officer Erica Gregg informed that she is still in the testing process with Lyndhurst Police Department, a process in which she started in June of 2016.

Sgt. Urbanowicz should be coming back to work by the end of June.

Officer Gregg attended a fair at the Health Markets Insurance Agency located in Northfield Village in May where she did child finger printing.


TAC report writing system should be implemented by the end of June.

Lexipol- policy & procedure program is well under way and should be completed in a few months.

Items were gathered to put on once voted on at the June 14, 2017 meeting.

CALLS FOR SERVICE:  May 1st, thru May 31st, 2017



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