Obituary: Donna Roxanne Keating Bach

Settle down for a bit and allow us to tell you about the force of nature known in this form as Donna Roxanne Keating Bach. On January 18, 2024, in a puff of purple smoke and glitter, she was gone, having lived a life that would fill a thousand tall tales. She was born February 9, 1952 to a steel working Irishman with a boat (Donald Keating) and a hot Polish-American with dance moves that could kill a man (Marian Keating). Donna, a life-long Maple Heights girl, was known by many names: Wife to the hippy water ecologist Donald Bach; Mom -often “what the h*** Mom”- to her kids Jesse & Marina; “D***** Donna” to her loving daughter-in-law Courtney and adopted daughter Erin; “Ga” or “Grandma Donna” to her 6 grandchildren Alex, Danny, George, Paisley, Jude & Walker; sister to Diana and family; Sister- in-law to the See Family,  lifelong friend to Eddy (“who is very tall”). She was known by these, as well as a variety of incredibly offensive expletives uttered by people around the world. She was an original bra-burner, protesting every oppressive measure out there, standing for civil rights, human rights, and especially women’s rights. She even told a new generation of Cleveland State students why Rhodes Tower is a highly offensive name (look up her op-ed, published Sep 29, 2015, in Cleveland State’s “Cauldron”). Donna saved lives as an ER nurse, and helped people battle their demons as a psych nurse. She was blessed to witness the progression of psychedelic drugs from illicit substance to life-saving treatment options. She was an artist and a musician; a dirty hippy; and, per her request, we must inform you of the following: “I drove fast cars and rode loud motorcycles, drank more, smoked more, and listened to amazing music, I wore short skirts braless, and did it all while being the hottest b*** out there— remember to vote for women and the Irish, fight to decriminalize it, and live on a hill to prevent flooding.” We’re going to miss the hell out of you, Mom. You & Dad have a good time, we’ll take care of things down here.

In lieu of flowers, the Bach family humbly requests that you make a donation in Donna’s name to the Cleveland Metroparks Edgewater Park Enhancement Fund or the Cleveland APL 

A celebration of life/airing of grievances will be held on the upper level of The Flat Iron Café, 1114 Center St, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 on February 3, 2024, from 11 AM to 3 PM.

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