October is National Arts and Humanities Month in Summit County

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Yesterday, County Executive Ilene Shapiro and County Council declared October Arts and Humanities Month in Summit County in honor of the artists, historians, teachers, and cultural groups working to make the arts and humanities a part of everyone’s life. ArtsNow and Summit County join thousands of arts, culture and humanities organizations and communities across the nation in celebrating National Arts and Humanities Month.

“Summit County has a rich history of celebrating the importance of the arts and humanities in our communities. We know the creative economy generates millions in wages and income, and supports thousands of jobs,” said Executive Shapiro. “Early on in 2020, we recognized the effect the COVID-19 pandemic had on our local artist and quickly mobilized to offer aid to those in need. We will continue to support of local artists whenever possible.”

Last year, in response to the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, County Executive Shapiro and Council allocated $1.6 million in federal CARES Act funds for grants to assist Summit County arts and culture nonprofits. Working with Akron Community Foundation, the County granted funds to 57 local organizations.

“Summit County led the state in 2020 in leveraging federal dollars to support our industry and the jobs, economic impact, and quality of life we support in our region,” said Nicole Mullet, Executive Director of ArtsNow. “It is incredibly meaningful to see the Executive and County Council once again take a stand for the value of arts and culture in the lives of our residents.”

In honor of National Arts and Humanities Month, residents are encouraged to participate in a national social media campaign with Americans for the Arts and ArtsNow. The campaign, entitled “Show Your Art 2021”, will once again feature a unique theme every day in October. Residents are encouraged to join in using #ArtsCreateHope on social media and share how the arts have helped support us through the COVID- 19 pandemic.

About ArtsNow

ArtsNow works to leverage the arts, culture, and environmental sector in Summit County to support and strengthen the region’s economic and social vibrancy. To learn more about ArtsNow,visit www.ArtsNow.org.

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