On November 11, 2018, Nordonia Hills American Legion Post #801 and Northfield VFW Post 6768 will conduct a WWI Monument Dedication and Memorial Service signifying 100 years since the end of World War One

-10:40 AM Post Chaplain Tom O’Brien leads off with a prayer. Past Commander John Sullivan gives a brief talk.

-10:57 AM American Legion Post Commander Dave Pristash gives the command “Present Arms”, all Veterans come to Present Arms as flags are lowered and Bugler plays taps. Salute is held until flags are raised back to the top.

-11:00 AM A moment of silence (2 min.).  

-11:02 AM Flags are raised back to the top, as they reach the top Dave Pristash gives the command    “Order Arms” and Veterans drop the salute.

-11:03 AM VFW Rifle Squad perform a 21 gun salute.  When the firing ends the WWI monument is unveiled.

-11:05 AM Post 801 Commander Dave Pristash reads General John J. Pershing’s talk to the troops.

-11:15 AM The Memorial Service ends.

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