Order of the Eastern Star Assisted With The Sorting of Food Donations for The Emergency Assistance Center

On October 29, 2022, members of Brecksville Chapter #537, Brecksville, Ohio, Order of the Eastern Star, assisted with the sorting and dating of food donations for The Emergency Assistance Center serving Northeast Ohio. The community workday was held at the United Methodist Church of Macedonia. The food items were received through the “Stuff the Bus” campaign of Nordonia Hills and Twinsburg School Districts. Over 9000 pounds of food were donated.

The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world to which both men and women may belong. In Eastern Star chapters, Masons, and their female relatives, promote the values and charitable purposes that are an important part of the Masonic fraternity. Men must be a Master Mason to join. Women must be related to Master Masons or have received their majority from the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. Some of the charitable organizations supported by Eastern Star include service dogs, heart fund, Masonic Dyslexic Center, cancer fund, ESTARL (Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership) and regenerative medicine. Brecksville Chapter also supports local food banks and provides educational grants and monetary donations to local and civic organizations. Brecksville Eastern Star supports a Rainbow Assembly for young ladies ages 12-20 and a pledge group for ages 8-12. No Masonic relationship is required to join the International Order of Rainbow for Girls.

For more information about the Order of the Eastern Star go to www.OHIOOES.org. You can also look at Brecksville Chapter web page at that address under the chapters heading.

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