Spotlight on Safety: Pedestrians – Don’t be dead right

From the Macedonia Police Department


As most of you know we had two residents struck and killed by a vehicle on Rt 82 about a month ago. I personally know the family and have spoken to them about this post so I’m not being insensitive or whatever else some naysayers want to say.
Their family members reiterated to me that pedestrians need to pay attention when crossing the street or when walking in a parking lot.

The reason for this post is just about every time I drive through the Commons I always see people exit stores and walk right out into traffic WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING! To me, they are just asking for trouble. In every car vs pedestrian accident we have investigated the pedestrian lost. Every time! I’m not willing to bet my health and or life on the car coming at me stopping. Its just not worth it. There are too many distracted and intoxicated (on drugs also) drivers out there. I guess there are a lot of other people who don’t share my view.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed I’m seeing more and more of the ME generation. These people believe they take priority and everybody else can wait for them. I’m sure these are some of the people crossing in front of me. I believe others are under the impression that pedestrians always have the right of way in a cross walk. NOT TRUE! ORC 4511.46 (B) “No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle, trackless trolley, or streetcar which is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard.” So just because someone is in the crosswalk doesn’t mean they had the right of way.

And as an added gripe how about crossing at 90 degrees in a crosswalk and not at an angle. Some people think the crosswalk is a lane and use it to get half way to their car before they move over and let traffic pass.

Last, let me mention that just because someone has a handicapped placard doesn’t mean they can use the handicapped parking space. The person who the placard is registered to must be in the vehicle. Its a hard lesson to learn when the fine is $500.


Spotlight on Safety section is sponsored by Tim Dimoff and Sacs Consulting and Investigative Services, Inc.

sacs-logoTimothy A. Dimoff, CEO/President
520  South Main Street | Canal Place Suite 2516 Akron, Ohio 44311
Office: 330.255.1101 | Cell:    330.730.3524 | Fax:    330.255.1135

Tim-Dimoff@TimothyDimoff @LifeRage


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