PEOPLE: How the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has affected her life – Jacqueline Jaggers

This is a series of articles about the people that live or work in this area. We asked them how the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has affected their job and/or family, what they would do different when we get back to a “new normal” and what has surprised them about the unprecedented global crisis. See other articles in the series here.


1. COVID-19 is like nothing we have ever experienced before. I remember feeling so confused by the news updates in the beginning of March and then before I knew it the NCAA was cancelled, concerts were cancelled and then so was my job. I’ve always worked in hospitality/wedding and event management, and I have felt so blessed because late last year I became the Director of Private Dining for RED The Steakhouse for both Downtown and Pinecrest. Our restaurant is fine dining so we are closed until further notice, respecting the authority of Mike Dewine and the state of Ohio. My boss is super cool and she does check in with me once a week! I have faith by the summer we will be super busy with events and our rooftop will be open and people will be reconnected having fun! It’s been almost a month since I’ve worked, during this roller coaster of emotions I have felt heartbroken for our nation and our world. Then there’s days I feel guilty for watching Netflix all day or enjoying multiple walks with my dog (Sugar Mick Jagger) up and down the street. How my family has been affected by this virus is it has stolen our quality time, but it hasn’t taken any of our lives and that is a blessing in which I thank God for. My mom used to come over multiple times a week because were best friends but because she works at Metro hospital I haven’t been able to see her in weeks.  Just once in the driveway where she wore a mask with plenty of distance just to say hi. It’s hard to accept sometimes but the stay home rule is there for a reason and it is protecting us from the invisible enemy. Thank God for technology because we can FaceTime. I will say all this time in quarantine has truly slowed life down for me, I have time to pray, cook, recharge, reorganize, make bedazzled face masks and count my blessings. Shout out to my 87-year-old grandma Janet Jerman has been sewing homemade face mask for our family and the local nursing homes! What a gal!!

2. This too shall pass. I have faith that things will get better and when they do I hope everyone breathing has a heart of gratitude, because life is a gift. I know a lot of people that are really struggling right now that live paycheck to paycheck and have fear in their heart because of what is going on in the world, I just want to remind them that God gives us enough courage to take on today. We need to continue to unite as one. Extending a helping hand to your neighbor and remembering it’s the little things that count that make a difference. I know most of us are wearing face masks but smile to all and the world will be a kinder place.

3. What has surprised me most about the situation is how good people are in this fearful situation. Our heroes in the medical field risking their own lives to help others. My mom is a hero and so is the pharmacist at CVS who shows up everyday making sure they’re doing their part. From the local pantry to the local churches it blows my mind how kind people can be during this horrible and frightening pandemic. Look how fast this virus has spread from China, we are all so connected, in the blink of an eye the whole world shut down. Just remember love is just as contagious. We are a nation under God filled with good and beautiful people, I pray we rejoice as one when this comes to it’s end. As Easter approaches this Sunday let us all remember the power of God, and the power of the Resurrection.

Praying for our community, the wonderful State of Ohio, for our power and mighty Nation and for our gorgeous world 🙏 ❤️

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