Places To Check Your Home for Storm Damage

Places To Check Your Home for Storm Damage

Extreme weather is a frightening enough experience for homeowners—all they can do is sit tight and wait for it to pass. Then, during the aftermath, they have to assess property damage instead of catching a chance to breathe. Tornados, hailstorms, and even floods are common in the Midwest during the summer months, and all of them can cause major damage to your home and property. In events such as these—once the weather clears and it’s safe to venture out—make sure you pay attention to these places to check your home for storm damage.

The Roof

Whether you have to climb a ladder or you have a good view from the ground, check your roof swiftly after a storm. Strong enough winds can send heavy branches and even entire trees crashing onto your roof during a storm. If you do have heavy debris on your roof, evacuate the home as soon as it’s safe to do so and call emergency services once you get to safety. You don’t want to risk being indoors if the weight of the debris breaks through your roof.

On a less intense note, even if you don’t notice any large debris, check to see if your roof’s shingles and gutters are still intact. Losing these could put your home at risk for flooding.

All Windows

Next, do a perimeter around your home and check every window for any signs of breakage. As if broken glass wasn’t enough, damaged windows could let rainwater in, potentially damaging areas inside your home. Make sure to thoroughly clean up any broken glass with a Shop-Vac, and place a tarp over broken windows to keep the elements out.

The Basement or Crawl Space

Back inside the house, you should also check your lower levels for puddles of water after heavy rains and floods. These could be signs of water leaking in through your foundation or an overflow in your sump pump. If you do notice flooding in your basement or crawl space, contact your local restoration company. You can also do what you can to remove the water yourself, too, but take caution.

Once you inspect these places to check your home for storm damage, contact your insurance company and start a claim. Monitoring these areas as soon as possible after a storm can expedite the recovery process and get your home back to normal.