By: Simran Dhillon
Do not confuse feeling for emotion
Because they are two different things
Emotions hurt and destroy
While feelings are mood swings
The best of emotions hurt
Pain, fear, hate, love
But words that read, talk, sing
Have voices with emotions that just hurt so bad
If fear is like pain
Pain is like hate
Hate is like love
Love is like cancer.
And cancer leads to therapy,
What is therapy, it is a break down
Says that emotions are hard to find.
Iโd beg to differ
Emotions question existence.
Do you want existence?
Why is there existence?
Does my existence differ from yours?
And so you lead yourself to the sea
With nothing underneath you
Nothing holding you up or down
You controlling yourself and feeling
Feelings you can control
Emotions you cannot
Emotions hurt
Hurt like hell indeed.
Simran is a student at Nordonia High School and a member of the Digital Journalism and Sports Broadcasting Club