Police Blotter: No License And Drug Paraphernalia Earn A Ticket To Ride – To JailĀ 

Police reports are a sampling of blotter items available and are not intended to be all-inclusive.

Drug paraphernalia possession/operator license required/driving while under suspension/driving under noncompliance/ERA/judgment suspension and display license plates

Improper turn brings police and not-so heavenly host of charges: Police stopped the driver of a gray KIA Sorento in the parking lot of an East Highland Road gas station on November 13 at 11:21 a.m. after the driver made an improper turn from the roadway.

Another woman was in the passenger seat. According to the Police, the car did not have a license plate. The driver told police the plate had been lost, according to police. Police asked for her license, and she said that she didn’t have one, according to the report. The woman also did not have an identification card, police said. The woman told police the car was owned by her boyfriend. Police found the woman to be driving under a drug offense suspension, a misdemeanor of the first degree, according to police. The woman was arrested by Macedonia Police, according to the police. The vehicle also was not insured. Police asked the passenger to exit the car and found a snort straw in plain view, according to police. The passenger denied knowing anything about the straw, police said. During a probable cause search, police found a crystalline substance in a blue plastic container in the driverā€™s bag, according to the report. Police also found a cleaning pad and a small container with residue consistent with meth, police said. Police also found two crack pipes, according to police. The passenger was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. The driver allegedly admitted that the substance was methamphetamine, according to police. Police also found an abnormality in the driverā€™s underwear which was identified as a crack pipe. The methamphetamine weighed approximately 0.3 grams. The items were logged into evidence.

The driver was charged with Drug Possession, a fifth-degree felony, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, a fourth-degree misdemeanor, No Operatorā€™s License, Driving under a Drug Suspension, Driving under an FRA Suspension, Display of License Plates, and Turning at Intersections through Stow Municipal Court. The passenger was charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, a fourth-degree misdemeanor through Macedonia Mayor’s Court.

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