Positive Outcomes for Clients with Swallowing Issues – Case Study 2

  • A Gun shot patient who was only 16 years old was referred from CCF since patient was not making progress  with traditional swallowing therapy and was looking for a speech pathologist who was specialized in NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation) 16 year old patient at this time was being tube fed and wanted to eat was upset he could not. His mom was worried that her son was getting depressed.
  • 16 year old was healthy except for being shot in the head which caused him not to be able to swallow. Patient had a special test which is called a modified barium swallow.
  • Test showed he was having food and liquids enter his lungs therefore he was not safe to eat. After 15 session of Vital stim which is neuromuscular stimulation pt was able to eat safely and had his feeding tube pulled.
  • There is hope for patients, it takes a team to make the difference

Please feel free to contact me at 216-320-2456.

At this time we are offering on line therapy for speech, swallowing and voicing.
Vital Stim is hands on therefore it will be offered after this virus is gone.
Vital Stim is a Neuromuscular electrical stimulation.

Cleveland Feeding and Swallowing Center LLC
3700 Park East suite 100
Beechwood Ohio 44122

See previous case study.


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