Public Comments Requested for State Route 91 Bridge Repairs in Munroe Falls

Traffic will be detour for up to 45 days

AKRON – The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is inviting the public and stakeholders to participate in a virtual open house to learn more about proposed repairs to the State Route 91(North Main Street) bridge over the Cuyahoga River in the City of Munroe Falls.

The purpose of the project is to fix the bridge that is deteriorating based on annual bridge inspections.

The proposed project will include replacement of the existing concrete bridge driving surface, structural repairs, and minor approach roadway work including new guardrail on both sides of the road.

The existing sidewalk on the bridge will be removed and replaced with a new concrete sidewalk.

The bridge supports a sanitary sewer on the east side and a gas line on the west side. The repair work will include new supports for these important utilities.

During construction of the bridge, closure of State Route 91 will be needed between North River Road and Munroe Falls Avenue.  The bridge will be closed to traffic during construction for a maximum of 45 consecutive days. The official signed detour route will use State Route 59 and State Route 261, while local traffic can use various local roads.

Some strips of property adjacent to the bridge are needed for the proposed bridge work and temporary access fill.  Affected property owners will be contacted by ODOT representatives in Summer 2024.

The Cuyahoga River will be impacted from a temporary rock work pad in the river, which is needed by the contractor to access the bridge.

Brust Park is adjacent to the bridge.  The project will not impact access to the park.

The Summit Metro Parks Bike and Hike Trail follows along the river and under the bridge.  The Cuyahoga River at this location is designated a Water Trail by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

During construction, the Bike and Hike Trail traffic will be rerouted to cross State Route 91 instead of crossing under the bridge. Canoe traffic will be maintained at all times, except for temporary river closures that include activities such as bridge deck removal, constructing falsework and pouring the new concrete deck, and utility relocations on the bridge. Temporary fencing will be placed to protect the park and Bike and Hike Trail.

Construction is currently scheduled for Summer 2026.

ODOT is holding a virtual open house for this project with project information being posted to  The website includes a voice narrated slide show, informational handout, construction detour map, a means to submit comments, and other project details.

ODOT is seeking public comments regarding the proposed project.  Issues to comment on may include social, environmental, and economic impacts.

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability.  Individuals who require interpretation services or reasonable accommodation to participate in this virtual open house should contact ODOT.

Comments, questions, and concerns may be provided to ODOT using the project website: Individuals may also contact Robert Lang at ODOT:

  • Email:
  • Call: 330-786-4975
  • Mail attached comment form or letter to: Robert Lang, Ohio Department of Transportation – District 4 2088 S. Arlington Road Akron, OH 44306

Comments are requested by February 23, 2024.

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