Quick Actions Of A Hometown Hero

By Nicholette Marbley

’Clocked out? ’Not my problem.’ is a very common and concerning thought that runs through most supervisors’ heads.  Thankfully, Somica Butler, supervisor of the Northfield Post Office on 10377 Valley View Road does not think that way.  When Narkeytah Dixon, Lead Sales and Associate contacted Nordonia Hills News to inform us of a very unheard of act kindness, we jumped at the chance to cover the story. Here is this heroic story in Narketah’s words”

 “I would like to nominate Macedonia Supervisor Somica Butler for going above and beyond. On March 25, 2020, Justin a full time distribution clerk in the Macedonia Post Office left work at 5:30 a.m. and he was very disoriented. I called who is on detail in Grand River as Officer-In-Charge OIC to reach out to her because she has a good rapport with Justin. She called him several times and he finally answered the phone and told her he was lost and had missed his exit to go home. He had been driving for 6 hours. A drive that normally takes 25 minutes. She ask him where he was and jumped into action. He wasn’t far from the Grand River Post Office so she told him to get off at the next exit. She called 911 and the met her and Justin at the gas station. Justin was admitted to the hospital.

Thank God for Somica’s quick thinking and action. “ – Narkeytah Dixon’s written statement 

When I spoke with Narkeytah Dixon, she informed me that Justin left the post office at 5 a.m. extremely ill and ended up in Ashtabula during his 6-hour drive! She informed me that Justin was released from the hospital. Somica Butler is the supervisor employees should wish for, and the supervisor and all individuals in management should emulate!

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